Membership Types
The first year of membership for new members is free (sorry, but this does not apply to lapsed members or renewing members).
We are also offering free membership for volunteers who give up their time to help Push Bikes, for example through writing for our newsletter and website, staffing stalls and doing street campaigning and leading rides (We have not decided on a set level of volunteering needed - the committee are currently deciding this on a case-by-case basis, and will develop wider guidelines over time). If you are interested, please contact us and say what you are interested in doing.
Membership type | Joint membership | Waged membership | Unwaged membership | First year |
Cost | £15.00 | £12.00 | £6.00 | Free |
Membership Benefits
- Fully insured led rides.
- Discounts in a range of shops.
- Discounted affiliate membership of Cycling UK (previously known as the CTC). Affiliate members of Cycling UK benefit from 3rd party cover when cycling, as well as receiving a weekly e-newsletter and discounts (full members receive extra benefits such as access to legal claims advice and a quarterly magazine). Please contact us if you want to make use of this option.
Join and Pay
To join Push Bikes:
- Send us your details (link transfers you to our MailChimp page).
Pay the appropriate membership fee using one of the following methods (NB - first year of membership is free):
- Preferably by bank transfer (Push Bikes, Co-operative Bank, Birmingham Branch, 08-90-01, 50011748 - please give your name and membership number in the reference details, eg PB123SMITH).
By cheque or postal order payable to Push Bikes. In an "online world" this method has proved to be extremely slow and problematic, and we now recommend you do the following:
- On the back of the cheque please write your membership number along with "Pay to: Push Bikes, Co-operative Bank, Birmingham Branch, sort Code 08-90-01, account number 50011748".
- Send us an email telling us your membership number, the cheque number, your account number, and your sort code (we need this as one of these numbers will be used by the bank to identify the cheque in our bank statement).
- Take the cheque to your local post office and ask for a bank paying-in envelope.
- Fill in details requested on the envelope from those you wrote on the back of the cheque. You can safely ignore the requirement for a paying-in slip.
- Seal the envelope, and give it to the cashier.
If you really want to, you can post your cheque or postal order (with just your membership number on the back) to Push Bikes, 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham, B5 5TH, but don't be surprised if that's the last anyone sees of it.
- Cash, directly to the Membership Secretary, the Treasurer, or the Chair. The Membership Secretary will also happily accept second-class stamps.
- If you haven't done so already, please update your MailChimp profile to indicate how you paid.
Electronic payment is preferred; it saves a lot of faffing about collecting the cheque from town, paying it into the bank, and waiting for it to clear. The time required for all this will significantly delay your getting your membership card.