When it comes to active travel, pelicans, puffins, and toucans are more like birds of purgatory than birds of paradise. Living Streets has just started a campaign to get the long waits reduced
The Widen My Path tool is a website that allows you to easily leave comments on a street map of England about changes needed to the specific roads or pavements to improve physical (social) distancing
With the new consultation on the second stage of the Perry Barr cycle track (see this blog post for details - Consultation closes July 19th, and we have a quick response letter you can send) I thought we needed to get some opinions from Birmingham's cycle users about what type of infrastructure they wanted to ride on. Briefly, the new consultation has a cycle track that has give-way lines at every side road and puts cycle users onto shared-use pavements and toucan crossings at both of the main junctions along the route.
As the recent City Centre road improvements consultation showed a worrying lack of concern for the needs of cycle users by WMCA transport designers, Push Bikes is sending an open letter to Andy Street on this issue.
The Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR) programme has entered into the final year of funding through the Cycle City Ambition Grant from the DfT, but this year we should see the biggest changes (finally) on the roads of Birmingham, with the delivery of 2 main road cycle tracks and a cycle hire scheme. It is not clear how the BCR programme will continue after this year - there has been a bid put in for some Cycle Safety Fund money from the DfT, but that is small and limited.