Buster the Brompton on the Royal Mile

Buster the Brompton on the Royal Mile
Buster takes a rest on a podium that must surely have been put there for Bromptons. This is the bottom of the top end of the Royal Mile, more succinctly called the High Street. Motor traffic can get here from the A7 to the right, but then must go down Cockburn Street opposite. However, the traffic restriction to the left is only about 100 metres long, and motor traffic is allowed on the High Street further up the hill between Parliament Square and the castle. Tourists trying to get to the castle have to negotiate a busy mini-roundabout. A tour guide warned us to take care not to step back into the road into the path of taxis and death carriages; they're both black, though death is only a certainty with the latter. This minimal restriction is not total; loading is allowed between 0630 and 1030, at which time the road fills with large trucks and taxis.
