It is well documented that women cycle less than men; that there is a particularly high drop off in cycling between Primary and Secondary school for girls; that people who experience racism, are less likely to cycle and are less well catered for by cycling infrastructure and organisations. Sustrans has a stated commitment to addressing these inequities. The ‘This Girl Can’ campaign has also carried out research and found that appearance is an important issue for women when it comes to cycling. Hair styling is often a key part of the coming of age story for young people. It represents identities, social bonds and involves navigating societal pressures. For many reasons, including historical and persistent racism, Black young women and those who wear hijabs, may have specific experiences of hair and hijab styling which might then impact wearing a cycle helmet.
International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It has happened every year since 1911. Sustrans Midlands & East is proud to be playing its part in championing these objectives as an employer and as a walking and cycling champion, and Push Bikes fully supports them in these objectives. Thus Sustrans will be running a series of activities from 5-8 March to encourage and empower women of ALL backgrounds to think about cycling as an option for them. They will acknowledge women of African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern and South Asian heritage who are currently the least represented in the cycling world.
Please see the PDF booklet below for further information.