Cannon Hill Park to Moseley Cycle Route Construction has Begun

Park Hill Modal Filter

Almost exactly three years ago Push Bikes responded to the consultation on a proposed Cannon Hill Park to Moseley cycle route, extending the existing spur from the A38. We are pleased to see work on construction has finally begun. Birmingham City Council says:

The A38 cycle route spur to Moseley will provide improved connectivity for cyclists wishing to commute from Moseley local centre to the city centre. The scheme aims to provide segregated cycle facilities including:

  • Two-way cycleway introduced along Edgbaston Road
  • Two cycle crossing facilities introduced on Russell Road and Edgbaston Road
  • Realignment of an existing zebra crossing on Edgbaston Road
  • Carriageway reduced to one lane in each direction at the western end of Edgbaston Road and narrowed at the eastern end
  • Length of guardrail removed on the western side of the Russell Road junction
  • Footway widening on the eastern side of the Russell Road junction
  • Bollards relocated at the end of Park Hill to promote cycle access only, in addition to an on-road cycle advisory route
  • Extension of the existing 20mph route on Russell Road
  • Extension of the existing no waiting at anytime restriction on Russell Road

Cannon Hill Park to Moseley Cycle Route

Click on the image for the complete technical drawing, or full details are here. Work should take a further 18 weeks, during which traffic management measures will be in place.
